Prince George's County, Maryland
Field Day 2007
Armed Forces Retirement Home, NW Washington, DC
Allan/KH6ILR getting the final paperwork ready. Allan Hubbert/KH6ILR, Field Day Host & Station Trustee.
The operating tents, provided by the AFRH.
The Field Day site and generator in the foreground. in the back.
Radios at the ready for 20M and 10M.
A very clean Vibroplex to run CW. Bencher ready and waiting for action.
Doesn't anyone run a straight key anymore, or did it go the way of the CW requirement?
Allan Hubbert/KH6ILR working 20M CW.
In the background, Doug Lindsay/KB3HER getting ready to go aironautical mobile with ATV.
The remote helicopter used by KB3HER for aironautical mobile ATV.
Notice the ATV camera between the extended landing pylons.
KB3HER's aironautical mobile ATV station on the Maintenance Line and on a mission.
Murray Green/K3BEQ running the 40M CW Station with Chuck Glen/KV3G doing the logging.
All other graphics, pictures & text copyright © 2007-9 by The PG ARES/RACES
This page last updated Jim Wallace - N3ADF web page modifier.
Page last updated - July 1, 2009